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Germany seizes server hosting pilfered US police files Jul 09, 2020 Germany seizes server hosting pilfered US police files Jul 09, 2020

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Truxgo Servers Rent Germany Dedicated Server Average rating: 4.6, based on 3410 reviews from $ 84.00 Do you Want to Pay to Other Payment Method? Get Your Dedicated Server and pay with Bitcoin, paysafecard, Credit Card, OneCard and 850 Payment Methods More. Germany seizes server hosting pilfered US police files The Associated Press — By FRANK BAJAK - AP Technology Writer BOSTON (AP) — At the behest of the U.S. government, German authorities have seized a computer server that hosted a huge cache of files from scores of U.S. federal, state and local law enforcement agencies obtained in a Houston Dec 07, 2016 · Average fixed broadband download speed in Germany increased by 24.5% to 40.38 Mbps in Q2-Q3 2016 from 32.41 Mbps in Q2-Q3 2015. That places Germany immediately ahead of the United Kingdom for average download speed. Although average upload speed saw a 39.5% increase during the same time period, the result was a dismal 8.12 Mbps. Jul 10, 2020 · Germany seizes server hosting police files pilfered from Maine intelligence agency by The Associated Press 6 mins ago 4 mins ago. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)