Start watching Jornal Globo News online on Sling TV. Stream hit shows, movies & more from top channels - live and on demand. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. Parent App - …

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Globo in the World

Gerações - Serie Jornal da Globo on Vimeo Nos últimos 50 anos, o intervalo entre uma geração e outra ficou mais curto. Isso significa que pessoas de diferentes idades estão convivendo… Globo News | TV Technology Globo News. Category. Newsroom technology. Submitted by. TV Globo. Globo TV in Brazil faced the challenge of deciding the best way to migrate from its tape-based workflow to a file-based one. The network chose its 24-hour news channel, Globo News, to be the host of an experimental and innovative tapeless implementation.


Live: Watch RN Record News (Portuguese) from Brazil. RN Record News. RN Record news was founded in 2009. The R7 team, composed of more than 400 professionals is responsible for the transmissive contents of Rede Record and Record News, Record Group channels, since 1953 pioneer of Brazilian TV.